Childhood Maltreatment: Windows of Vulnerability and a Novel Understanding of Resilience and Recovery
Special seminar by Martin H. Teicher, MD, Ph.D.
Please join us on December 9, 2022 at 11:00 AM EST for a special seminar organized by Adversity & Mental Health, a Collaborative Initiative between the McGill-Douglas Research Centre and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry.
This special seminar will be given by Dr. Martin H. Teicher, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Developmental Biopsychiatry Research Program at McLean Hospital, and is entitled, “Childhood Maltreatment: Windows of Vulnerability and a Novel Understanding of Resilience and Recovery”
*Note that this meeting will be held in person at the William E. Stavert Amphitheatre, Douglas Hall*
Meet the speaker
If you are a trainee and would like to meet the speaker, please contact coordinator@adversitymentalhealth.com
For those of you who cannot make it in person, the talk will be rebroadcast via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 397 207 1447
Passcode: 620428